Adding A New Quote

To add a quote to the system:

1.      Use the ‘Quoting’ module menu to select ‘Sales Enquiries/Quotes’.

2.      Click the  button on the Active Form Control Menu – this will set the quote form into the ‘New Quote’ state and can be confirmed by the word ‘NEW’ in the ‘Quote No’ box.

3.      Fill in the ‘Date’, ‘Reference’, ‘Quote By’ and ‘Currency’ fields as appropriate.

4.      Select the related ‘Company’ and/or ‘Contact’ for the quote by clicking the relevant  button; this will popup either the ‘Search Companies’ form or the ‘Contacts’ form. Make the correct selection by double clicking the required entity. This will close the popup and link the company/contact to the new quote.

5.      Select the relevant ‘Quote To’ and ‘Deliver To’ entities. I.E, Selecting ‘Use Company’ will use the set company in step 4. ‘Use Company’ is selected by default on all new Quotes.

6.      Start entering the line items for this quote. The ‘I/N’ field is filled in automatically upon entering a line item and as such, does not need to be filled in by the user. Start by entering the ‘Product Code’, ‘Description’ or ‘Qty’ for the line item. In the example below, we have started by entering the ‘Product Code’ first.

7.      If the product code you have entered is already stored in DATAHUB, the relevant information fields in the row will be filled in automatically. If the product code you have entered is stored in the system with multiple issue levels, you will be prompted to select the relevant issue level. If the product does not yet exist in the system, you will be given the option to add the product into the system. If you select ‘Yes’, the following popup will be shown:

Continue by filling in the ‘Description’, ‘Issue Level’ and ‘UOM’ fields and click the ‘OK’ button. This product is now added into the database. The information entered on the popup is automatically loaded into the line item.

8.      Complete the line item by entering a ‘Base (£)’ value and relevant mark-up if required. If an ‘Estimate’ is to be used for the line item, do not fill in these fields. Instead, continue to add additional line items or continue to add the Estimate as described in ‘Adding An Estimate’.

9.      Close the form or scroll to another record to save this new quote back to the database.